1/01/25 Designing the New Year
12/01/24 Jacob Seyller- 2024 Art Student of the Semester
10/01/24 Adrianna Larsen- Art Student of the Month
10/01/24 2024 Sandwich Fair Awards
5/24/24 2024 Painting the Future: Senior's Unique Program Design
5/17/24 2024 Art Show Highlights AP Drawing Talent
5/3/24 Student of the Semester: Nora Berisha
3/1/24 2024 Congressional Art Competition
3/1/24 Henry Leaves Mark With Impressive Podium Design
3/27/24 Scenes from the Art Room Spring 2024 (Gallery)
12/8/23 Student of the Semester: Sarah Zarko
10/31/23 October Student of the Month: Jayden DeBoard
10/31/23 AP Art Profiles
9/30/23 Sandwich Fair Awards
4/1/23 Congratulations, Kelly and Lily!
4/1/23 Baseball Service Learning Project
3/1/23 Scenes from the Art Room: Ceramics II
2/1/23 Art Department Student of the Season: Dylan
1/1/23 Ceramics I Collaborates on Tile Project
11/1/22 Art Department Student of the Season: Chloe
11/1/22 Congratulations & Good Luck, JJC & NIU Artists!
10/1/22 NCHS Student of the Month: Lexie
10/1/22 Fall Play T-Shirt Design Contest
9/1/22 Congratulations, Sandwich Fair Artists!
5/1/22 Congratulations, AP Studio Art!
5/1/22 Pop Up Art Gallery at Heartland Bank
5/1/22 Computer Graphics Designs for School & Community
1/1/22 Art Gallery; by Grace Parker
10/1/21 A Monster Calls T-Shirt Design Contest
9/1/21 AP Art Profiles; by Grace Parker
9/1/21 Congratulations, Sandwich Fair Artists!
5/1/21 Morris Exhibit Fine Arts Center Competition Finalists; by Jada Hamman
2/1/21 Giving Thanks to Local Heroes; by Jada Hamman
1/1/21 Art; by Emily Schofield
12/1/20 Ceramics During Covid; by Jada Hamman
10/1/20 Radial Designs; by Merceds Gravley
9/1/20 Art; by Emily Schofield
7/7/20 Extreme Make-over Art Room Edition!
4/1/20 Art Newsletter; by Jared Slivka
3/1/20 Art Newsletter; by Jared Slivka
2/1/20 Art Newsletter; by Jared Slivka
1/1/20 Art Newsletter; by Jared Slivka
12/1/19 Art Department Update; by Jared Slivka
11/1/19 AP Art Profiles; by Dalton Reibel
10/1/19 Sandwich Fair Art Awards; by Jared Slivka
9/1/19 NCHS Artists Participate and Placeat Kendall County Fair; by Dalton Reibel and Jared Slivka
6/1/19 This Month in Art; by Jacob Slivka
5/1/19 Art Gallery; by Jacob Slivka
4/1/19 Advanced Studio Art Gallery; by Jacob Slivka
3/1/19 Watercolor Painting; by Jacob Slivka
2/1/19 Art Article; by Jacob Slivka
1/1/19 Art Gallery; by Jacob Slivka
12/1/18 Art Department; by Jacob Slivka
11/1/18 Art Article; by Jacob Slivka
10/1/18 Small School Big Prizes; by Beau Brown
9/1/18 Congratulations, AP Studio Art!; by Ryan Uckerman
6/1/18 Art Analysis; by Vinnie DiClementi
5/1/18 Still Life; by Celeste Acosta
5/1/18 T-Shirt Design Contest; by Celeste Acosta
4/1/18 AP Silver Spoons; by Vinnie DiClementi
3/1/18 AP Art Analysis; by Vinnie DiClementi
2/1/18 AP Art; by Celeste Acosta
1/1/18 AP What's Going on in the Art World?; by Alyssa Schofield
12/1/17 Art; by Shawn Lipsey
11/1/17 AP Art Profiles; by Kyle Scott
10/1/17 NCHS Artists Participate and Place at Sandwich Fair; by Alyssa Schofield
9/1/17 What's New with Art?; by Remington Kempiak and Alyssa Schofield
5/1/17 Art Profile; by Kyle Scott
4/1/17 2017 Art Expo; by Jeremy Van Heiden
3/1/17 Advanced Studio; by Kyle Scott
2/1/17 Animal Ceramic Projects; by Kyle Scott
1/1/17 JJC Art Show by; Kyle Scott
12/1/16 Meerkat Wins It All; by Remington Kempiak
11/1/16 Art Recognitions; by Kyle Scott
10/1/16 Art; by Remington Kempiak
6/1/16 Mad Libs Comic; by Neal Smith
4/1/16 It's a Strange World; by Neal Smith
2/1/16 Art; by Remington Kempiak
1/1/16 New Year and New Classes; by Grace Gerken
12/1/15 Art; by Remington Kempiak
11/1/15 November Art; by Kelsea Zitt
10/1/15 Web Design is Art, Art at the Fair; by Kyle Christian
9/1/15 A Nice ARTicle; by Kyle Christian
4/1/15 Introduction to the Arts Field Trip; by Marty Schiltz
3/1/15 Mr. Blidy's Painting Class; by Marty Schiltz
2/1/15 Advanced Studio Lineup; by Marty Schiltz
1/1/15 The Magic of the Wheel; by Marty Schiltz
12/1/14 From Mr. Blidy; by Matt Eike
11/1/14 This Month in Art; by Marty Schiltz
10/1/14 Fairest Art of the NCHS; by Matt Eike and Ben Rogers
9/1/14 State of the Art; by Matt Eike and Ben Rogers
6/1/14 Believe, Create, Achieve; by Kaylyn Shankle
5/1/14 From School to School; by Anthony Poplawski
4/1/14 Town & Country Art Show; by Anthony Poplawski
3/1/14 Art Gallery; by Anthony Poplawski
2/1/14 Advanced Studio Art News; by Anthony Poplawski
1/1/14 Calendars Made Simple; by Anthony Poplawski
11/1/13 Drawing Class Art Gallery; by Anthony Poplawski
10/1/13 Drawing your way to First!; by Anthony Poplawski
9/1/13 America the Beautiful; by Kaylyn Shankle
6/1/13 Painting Gallery; by Ricky Spohnholtz
5/1/13 Art News; by Megan Kaufman
4/1/13 Art Thanks; by Megan Kaufman
3/1/13 "Varsity Art"; by Megan Kaufman
1/1/13 2012 JJC Art Exhibition; by Zac Nichols
12/1/12 NCHS Website Layout Update; by Zac Nichols
11/1/12 Winning Entries; by Zac Nichols
10/1/12 Thanks to Karyssa; by Zac Nichols
9/1/12 State Drawing; by Zac Nichols
6/1/12 Newark News; Kendall County Record
6/1/12 Zac Nichols' Button Design Wins Contest; Kendall County Record
6/1/12 Shine Like the Stars; by Ann Steffens
5/1/12 Advanced Studio Art Show; by Ann Steffens
4/1/12 Accomplishments and Challenges; by Ann Steffens
3/1/12 Painting Class Adventures; by Ann Steffens
2/12/12 Instructor Reflects on Art Classes; by Ann Steffens
11/11/11 NCHS Art Department; by Brendon Schmidt
10/11/11 Art; by Taylor Schomer
9/11/11 NCHS Art Dept Featured in National Publication
3/11/11 Mobile Devices in the Classroom; by Chris Murawski and Cori Elizalde
3/11/11 Feb 2011 Art Awards; by Natalie Toftoy
2/11/11 Student Art Gallery
12/10/10 Feb 2011 Art Show; by Clint Strukel
11/10/10 A Tribute to the Artists; by Lucas Harris
11/10 Our Town Artwork for the Fall Play
10/10/10 Art Competition; by Harrison Warpinski
10/10 NCHS on iPhone; by Harrison Warpinski
6/1/10 Newark Flag & 175th Birthday Button
5/1/10 Kendall County 41st Annual Town & Country Amateur Art Show
3/1/10 Calendars Made Simple
3/1/10 Counselor Web Page Gets A Facelift!
2/1/10 Kendall County Forest Preserve District Art Show
12/1/09 Mr. Blidy's Design Class
11/09 Crucible Artwork for the Fall Play
11/1/09 Crucible Creations
4/1/09 April Art
3/1/09 Congratulations!
2/1/09 Newark Art Show
1/1/09 We're On the Right Track
12/1/08 NCHS Presents at State Tech Conference
11/08 NCHS Presents I Never Saw Another Butterfly
11/1/08 Artwork for the Fall Play
10/1/08 Art Update
6/1/08 Newark Mural Dedication
5/1/08 A Legacy in the Making
5/1/08 Computer Graphics Video Conference
3/1/08 Art Invitational
2/08 High School Invitational
2/1/08 What's New With Art
11/1/07 NCHS Staff Presents at State Conference
11/1/07 Gallery Banner Contest Winner
10/1/07 Art Awards; Sandwich Fair
9/1/07 Another Mural!
9/1/07 Dare Day Posters
6/1/07 Mural Opening; by Maryjane Schiltz
6/1/07 D.A.R.E. Day Service Learning Project
6/1/07 D.A.R.E. Day Poster; by Mary Brandon
5/1/07 Mural Update; by Maryjane Schiltz
4/1/07 Focusing On Our Values; Newark Community Mural; by Maryjane Schiltz
4/1/07 Eric Smith Enters JJC Web Design Contest; by Tim lleshi
3/1/07 "Mount Rushmore" Comes to Newark; by Jackie Anderson
3/1/07 2007 Kendall County H.S. Invitational; by Mary Brandon
2/1/07 2007 High School Invitational Awards
2/1/07 2007 Kendall County High School Invitational
2/1/07 "Art Show-Poetry Writing" Cross-Curricular Project; by Sami Akre
2/1/07 Multimedia Class Conducts Video Conference; by Kelli Larson
11/1/06 Joliet Junior College Area High School Juried Exhibition
10/1/06 Mary Brandon Wins At Morris Corn Festival; Morris Daily Herald Web Site
10/1/06 Sandwich Fair Art Awards; by Jake Hagy
9/1/06 Gallery Banner Design Contest Winners; by Jake Hagy
5/1/06 Advanced Studio Art Opening Web Page
5/1/06 Dare Day Poster Contest Winners Announced; by Stephanie Warpinski
5/1/06 Upcoming Events in the Art Department; by Jenna Pallecone & Rachel Sleezer
4/1/06 Town and Country Art Show Winners
4/1/06 Exploring the World of Multimedia; by Jenna Pallecone & Rachel Sleezer
3/1/06 Kendall County High School Invitational; by Jenna Pallecone
2/1/06 Kendall County High School Invitational Web Page
2/1/06 Ceramics Happenings; by Stephanie Warpinski
12/1/05 Emily Places First in State Juried Exhibit; by Stephanie Warpinski
12/1/05 Art Department Update; by Lucas Hanson
11/1/05 Emma Wins Big in Big Rock Plow Match; by Stephanie Warpinski
10/1/05 Gallery Banner Design Contest Winners; by Andrew Kellogg
10/1/05 Sandwich Fair Art Entries; by Stephanie Warpinski
9/1/05 Dare Day Service Learning Art Project; by Stephanie Warpinski
5/1/05 Town and Country Art Show
1/1/05 Mr. Blidy's Classes
12/1/04 Mr. Blidy's Drawing Class
11/1/04 Tour of Chicago
6/1/04 Art Gallery
5/1/04 Town and Country Art Show
5/1/04 Art Student Wins 4th of July Button Contest
1/1/04 Art Student Wins Scholarship
1/1/04 Blurbs from the Art Department
9/1/02 More Talented than Ever
6/1/01 N.C.H.S. Art Show
2/1/01 First Advanced Studio Show
11/1/00 State Art Show
6/1/00 Art Gallery
5/1/00 Town and Country Art Show Awards
3/1/00 Newark High School Art
2/1/00 Artwork Displayed at Post Office
1/1/00 Computer Graphics Awards
10/1/99 Artful Influence