Senior Project > Written Component Guidelines
One to two (1-2) pages (12 pt. font) analyzed and synthesized research findings, with parenthetical documentation, and a bibliography.
First Paragraph:
  1. Begin with a good capture (anecdote, quote, allusion to art, history, or literature; a statistic, startling fact, or rhetorical question)
  2. Provide background information for the audience. Points that will be made in the body of the paper. Take a position.
  3. Thesis statement (essential question turned into a debatable statement)
Body Paragraphs:
State your main point, second sentence support with your own words, and finally use a quote or paraphrase (cite the source) from your research that backs up or proves your main point and explain in your own words why it proves your point. Remember that everything that is unknown to you, the author, before beginning the research needs to be credited to the source. The paragraph should have at least three support statements with two supporting proofs. Use active voice rather than passive voice. Formal writing uses third person pronouns. Do not use first person.
Subsequent Body Paragraphs:
would follow the same pattern as above. Types of support include: statistics, quote an expert, personal testimonials, paraphrasing a cited source, or any tests or measurements done by reputable scientists or social science individuals (use medical journals, doctoral thesis, social science journals, etc.)
Final Paragraph:
  • Restate your thesis statement.
  • Refer to your capture to tie the paper together.
  • Summarize your main points.
  • Leave reader with “food for thought”, insight, universal truth, a
    perceptive statement, intuitive thought, or theme.
Proofread carefully to ensure fluent and appropriate word choice, sentence variety, and to eliminate spelling and mechanical errors.