Senior Project > Essential Question Formulation
  • What changes would you make to solve?
  • How would you improve...?
  • What would happen if...?
  • Can you elaborate on the reason...?
  • Can you propose and alternative...?
  • Can you invent...?
  • How would you adapt ______ to create a different...?
  • How could you modify the plan...?
  • What could be done to minimize (maximize)...?
  • What way would you design...?
  • What could be combined to improve (change)...?
  • Suppose you could ______ what would you do...?
  • How would you test...?
  • Can you formulate a theory for...?
  • Can you predict the outcome if...?
  • Can you construct a model that would change...?
  • Can you think of an original way for the...?
Metro, K.. "Writing Objectives Using Bloom's
Taxonomy." Writing Objectives Using Bloom.
UNC Charlotte, 2012. Web. 14 Jan 2012.