“Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
The words of the iconic teenage film protagonist Ferris Bueller could just as aptly be applied as a summary for Thornton Wilder’s
oft-performed play, Our Town. Our lives are the buildup of precious moments in the present tense, which slowly present themselves as
a whole week, year, decade, era and even life.
After studying the work of American Illustrator Norman Rockwell, Drawing students were asked to pause
for a moment and look around to capture the precious moments of their lives within an ordinary day. Time
will elapse before they experience nostalgia for their high school years. But, for all of us, the lesson
of Our Town is poignant. We are all in times and places that will not last. We must be attentive to those
moments in the present tense before they become the inaccessible past, as we will never be able to relive
them again.
You can see in the artwork above important moments in the present for these nine drawing students. "Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it?” In answer to Thornton Wilder’s
question – no. Of course not. Art and theater are all attempts, though, to push us closer and teach
us how to realize it. |