Service Learning Project
According to Chicago Now: “KONY 2012 is the movement that NONE OF US
can afford to ignore anymore,” which is exactly how a group in Mr. Hall’s sociology
class felt about this movement. The crimes against humanity Joseph Kony and the
Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) have committed include abduction of children, forcing
them to become child soldiers and sex slaves, and destroying villages throughout Central
Africa. When the sociology class found out about the atrocities that have been created
by this man, they immediately wanted to make a difference and conduct more research.

Throughout the semester, the group has researched the topic, sent letters to political
representatives to support the end of Joseph Kony and the LRA, and prepared a school-wide
presentation informing the students of the situation. They have also “Covered the
Night” by covering the school with flyers and posters and as well as written editorials for
local newspapers. When interviewed about the main goals of this movement, Mr. Hall replied,
[This project intended] “to inform people and share knowledge about Kony and the LRA,
and what we can do to help.”

The group sold bracelets and t-shirts, and took donations
for their fundraiser. The goal for this fundraiser was to raise a minimum of two hundred
dollars, and the proceeds went to the African Youth Initiative Network and the Knutson family,
for a former student who was recently injured across the seas. Mr. Hall stated, “I think this has
been a wonderful experience for everyone involved. We have learned a lot and feel empowered
to change the world.” The group plans on following through with the job of stopping Kony and
the LRA, and will continue to educate people on this pressing issue and their ability to
make a difference within their community and the world.