2011 Service Learning Projects

What’s it like going to a school with over 3000 students?  Well, six students from Newark found out as part of a student exchange project with Naperville North.  This project, conducted through Mr. Hall’s Sociology class, showed both the strengths and weaknesses of going to a large, urban school and a small, rural school. On April 14, six Newark students spent the day shadowing students from North.  They went to several classes, got a tour of the school, and were able to ask questions about living in such a large town.  Then a week later, on April 20, students from North hopped on their mini-bus and came to Newark.  Our students took them around to a couple of classes, then a more formal tour of the school in the afternoon (it was a short tour).  In the end, students were able to come together and share their experiences.  Students has so much fun and gained a new understanding and appreciation for each other and their respective communities.  “We hope this exchange continues and becomes an annual event”, says Mr. Hall.  “I know my students learned a great deal and met some new friends along the way.”

Newark students visit Naperville North H.S.
April 14, 2011

Newark students visit Naperville North H.S.
April 14, 2011

Naperville North students visit Newark H.S.
April 20, 2011

Naperville North students visit Newark H.S.
April 20, 2011

What was your first day of high school like? Were you nervous? Scared? A little intimidated? Did you barely know anyone in the halls? Surely you didn’t really know any of the teachers. Mr. Hall’s sociology class wanted to ease that pain for the incoming freshman. Six students decided to have a freshman orientation that showcased the faculty and staff at Newark High School as well as the classes they teach and basic teaching styles they possessed. The high schoolers also broke down the extra-curricular activities incoming freshman could participate in. The orientation was held in Lisbon Grade School’s gymnasium. Approximately 50 students total from Lisbon, Millbrook Junior High, and Cross Lutheran came to the presentation. Group activities, a slideshow, school video tour, and a pizza lunch were a part of the festivities during the morning hours of May 11, 2011. Incoming freshman will now have a little better understanding of what to do and how to do it next fall as they begin the next chapter of their lives.

Freshman Orientation
May 11, 2011

Freshman Orientation
May 11, 2011

Freshman Orientation
May 11, 2011

Freshman Orientation
May 11, 2011