2009-2010 "A Digital Mindscape II"
A Digital Mindscape II
View the Finished Project

A "Digital Midscape" is a 360° collaborative Computer Graphics project. The project involves a modern day twist on a creative exercise invented by surrealist artists in the 1920's.

In the 1920's version of the exercise, an artist would draw an image on a piece of paper, then folded it to hide the drawing. The paper would be passed on to the next artist to continue the drawing, and so on. Each artist added to the drawing without viewing what the previous artist had drawn. After several panels were completed, the entire drawing was unfolded to reveal an unexpected result. Artists would play this "game" to inspire creativity, originality, and collaboration.

Our modern day version involves the use of Adobe Photoshop photo editing software. Students create a 6"X6" digital panel, crop one inch from the edge and send the cropped piece to another student. The student expands the panel and continues the design using photographs and photo retouching tools within the Adobe Photoshop program. The process is then repeated.

In all, sixteen students created five panels each, for a total of 80 panels, resulting in a work of art that is 33 feet long, connecting end-to-end to create a 360° work of art.

The challenge for each student was to work within a strict timeframe (one class period per panel) and be creative. Students must also consider Photoshop techniques that they have learned throughout the semester - resolution, photo repair and clone tools, how to copy layers, flip, rotate, etc. This was an activity that challenged students to think critically and solve visual problems.