Presentation includes
PORTFOLIO Work Samples.
presents items and corresponding reflections from the high school years
showing growth. |
doesnÕt present items and corresponding reflections from the junior and senior
years showing growth. |
learning and reflects a research/knowledge base. Project requires multiple sources of information, and
goes beyond the studentÕs initial understanding to create an original
position or product. |
Presentation shows evidence of synthesis of multiple sources
that goes beyond the student's initial understanding to create an original
position or product. Project requires analysis of information and/or putting
together information from at least 5 sources to demonstrate an understanding
of existing knowledge. One source must be an outside expert in the field. |
Project requires little analysis and is focused on simplistic
tasks or concepts using fewer than five sources and has little relevance to
content learning. The student used no outside expert. No creation is evident. |
Presentation reflects organization,
completeness, thoroughness of project preparation, and continuity, i.e.
project presented aligns with project proposed.
students work through the process, they will document progress. The process
is planned, organized, and complete. |
Use of a journal, outline, story-board, web-map, or creation of a
time management plan of anticipated tasks, steps, or activities to be
completed for the presentation. Documentation may appear in the form of
photographs, videotape, audio recording, anecdotal documentation by mentor or
field expert. Project presented aligns with project proposed.
Documentation of the process is absent. Project presented does not
align with project proposed. Student
changed topic without approval.
Presentation demonstrates
curriculum links.
shows clear links to the curriculum.
The student must apply knowledge and skills learned in one or more of
the following areas: math, science, social studies, language arts, fine arts,
physical, or vocational education. |
Project shows curriculum content links that are forced,
superficial, or unidentified. |
Time Length
Š Presenter adheres to time length
requirements. 10-15
min to present portfolio (including project) and 10
min. for questions-answers by panel. Presenter
returns after 10 min. panel deliberations for 5
min follow-up with panelists. |
adheres to time requirements for formal presentation. |
fails to adhere to time length requirements for
formal presentation. |
Visual Š Presentation includes 3 or more
visuals from various media, one of which must make use of technology as a
means to present findings. |
uses several types of media including technology; visuals are appropriate, of
good quality, and convey the message through such media as PowerPoint,
PhotoShop, Excel, iMovie, Inspiration, HyperStudio, InDesign, or a web-site. |
of technology is absent, forced, minimal, or superficial. |
Oral Š Presentation Personal
notes (note cards) may be used for delivery. The student talks to the panel
and avoids reading. |
Eye contact, voice, use of visual or auditory aides, and body
language are satisfactory. Message exhibits confidence, poise, and relaxed
delivery as well as engages audience in reflective thinking. |
Eye contact, voice, use of visual or auditory aides, and body
language are inappropriate or distracting to the message. Message exhibits
nervous or detached delivery and does not engage the audience. |
Oral Š Presentation Delivery
is formal and prepared. |
The presentation begins with an effective introduction, flows
smoothly, and concludes strongly. Sources are documented orally. The style is
clearly that of the presenter, not borrowed from sources. |
The presentation begins with an ineffective introduction, is
poorly organized and/or concludes weakly. Oral documentation of sources is
inadequate. The presentation style is not the studentÕs own. |
Oral Š Presentation Presenter answers interview questions posed by
review panelists. |
There is evidence of both critical thinking and understanding of
information in answers to panelistsÕ questions. |
Questions were not addressed sufficiently, and/or answers were
incorrect or inappropriate. |
Written Š Presentation includes written copy of
the studentÕs analyzed and synthesized research findings. Copies will be
available for all members of the panel one week prior to the presentation. |
Communication is fluent with details and appropriate word
choice. Free of spelling and mechanical errors on one to two pages of hard copy. |
Communication lacks fluency and detail, using words that are
dull, weak or inappropriate for audience. Many misspellings/mechanical
errors. Hard copy document is less than one page. |
Process Reflection
A written reflection relates
what the student has discovered about his/her own learning and thinking
through the entire portfolio process.
Presenter explains what was done, how it went and
what could be done differently or repeated. Must clearly communicate using
correct written English. Must address discoveries about growth as a learner,
planner, and problem-solver. Must emphasize intended uses of knowledge and
skills gained. Must explore how the student felt and/or what the student
thought during the process. Presenter shares insights. One page (12 pt. Font
) minimum turned in to the mentor teacher. |
Reflection is inadequate or absent. |