Drama Club performed Robin Hood, its first play of the school year, on October 24 at 7 p.m. and October 25 at 2 and 7 p.m.
Mrs. Wheeler, the director and an English teacher here at Newark, chose Robin Hood for four main reasons.
“Every actor has the opportunity to perform with two roles throughout the play, as each character has two completely different personalities. It provides a great challenge for the actors,” she said. Robin Hood also is a play close to the hearts of the performers, especially the seniors. Their freshmen year, they performed Shakespeare’s A Midsummer’s Night Dream. In that play, there is a character Puck, who eventually became the inspiration for Robin Hood. Puck is also frequently known as Robin in the play as well.
“I see it as a character development from Puck to Robin Hood. I also see it in the seniors this year as well, comparing them from now and from their freshmen year,” said Mrs. Wheeler. “The transformation of Puck into what eventually became Robin Hood is parallel to the transformation of the seniors from their freshmen year.” Two other reasons for the selection of Robin Hood are the Anglo-Saxon themes of a Pagan-Christian mixture of customs, and the play provides a lot of campy jokes along with very serious matters during the play.
Newark High School wishes the Drama Club luck in the Fall Play that will show on October 24th and 25th.
Sheriff/Sam the Rag: Brennen O'Toole
Constable/Eadom O'The Blue Boar: Jason Davidson
Gill Redcap/Mitch the Miller: Lauren Hager
Diccon Cruikshank/ Cootie the Drunk: Hannah Harris
Robin Hood/Blind Benny: John Kratzer*
Little John/Dumb Duggan: Nate Akre
Daisy (Davey) O'Doncaster/ Arthur O'Bland: Kelsey Brown*
Will Stutely/Sir Stephen: Jacob Pritchard
Will Scarlet/Deaf Danny: Vinnie DiClementi
Friar Tuck: Tanner Brummel
Prince John/Bell the Tinker: Anthony DiClementi*
Yorick/Grok/Flint the Beggar: Kylie Eike
Dark Monk/Richard/ Purvis the Peddler/Ghost: Daniel Simmons