Newark Drama Club Presents Our Town
Performance Dates:
Fri., Oct. 28 - 7:00PM
Sat., Oct 29 - 7:00PM
Newark, Il. - This October Newark High School is staging a play with which the townspeople can really connect. Our Town, one of the most famous American plays by Thorton Wilder, is about a small rural town called Grovers Corners located in New Hampshire. Following closely to the lives of the townspeople of Grovers Corners in the early 1900s, this play was perfect for the drama club of Newark. “We chose this show in honor of the 175th Anniversary of Newark,” said director, Mrs. Wheeler. “Newark and Grover's Corners have a great deal in common. The production doesn't translate nearly as well to larger, more transient communities. I think this show will ring true for the people in our town.”

Our Town may have a script that will be easy for the actors of Newark High School to connect with; however, this play will be a challenge for the actors as they try to master their skills of pantomiming while having to memorize the script in just a few weeks. “This is a dedicated group of students,” stated director Mrs. Wheeler. They will be using minimal sets and props for this play as to draw more attention to the lives of the townspeople, just how beautiful life is and how much we take it for granted. This is a play that doesn't require many props to help convey its message; it will all be done by the great feeling that the actors put into their parts.

  Mr. Webb:
  Max Bisaillon

  Mrs. Webb:
  Haily Rennick

  Emily Webb:
  Kourtnie Haben

  Wendy Webb:
  Rebecca Whitlock

  Joe Stoddard,
  Howie Newsome:

  Chris Visco

George Gibbs:
Ricky Spohnholtz

Rebecca Gibbs:
Lindsie Haben

Mrs. Gibbs:
Brittany Peterson

Dr. Gibbs:
Justin Chandler

Simon Stimson:
Tim Fletcher

Lois Crawford:
Kassie Baltes

Mrs. Forest:
Megan Kauffman

Stage Manager:
Ashleigh Colyer

Mrs. Soames:
Hannah Ward

Susan Craig:
Renni Jager

Tech. Crew Coordinator:
Taylor Braun

Asst Director:
Marissa Rennick

Rachel Ewing, Megan Schefske, Monica Love

Property Master:
Austin Eckhardt

Heaven Perry

Nick Gerken, Annie Steffens, Heaven Perry, Karyssa Mosher-Schwickerath

Bailey VanHorne, Monica Love, Monica Dominguez, Sabrina Sheffauer

Kendall Southard, Annie Steffens

Event Planner:
Marissa Rennick, Megan Schefske

Lighting Crew:
John Hook, Bryan Schuerman, Jesse Martin, Karyssa Mosher-Schwickerath

Sound Technician-Mics:
Kendall Southard,Niki McQuate, Kayla Perry

Sound Technician-Sound Effects:
Nick Minarich, Nick Gerken

Stage Manager/Maintenance:Juan Castellanos, Taylor Braun

Asst Stage Manager/SGT at Arms:
Chris Murawski

2nd Asst Stage Manager/Maintenance:
Megan Schefske, Nick Gerken (attendance)

Set Crew:
Juan Castellanos, Annie Steffens, Sabrina Scheffauer, Alex Bogden