Once Upon A Mattress
From the Director's Notes:
Performance Dates:
April 26-28, 7:00PM

"Hear ye! Hear ye! I have cherished my reign as the director of Newark Community High School Theatre this year, but I respectfully return the crown to Lady Elizabeth Wheeler! Thank you so much for this opportunity. It provided me a delightful stepping stone in the transition from teaching to retirement, but I'm ready to abdicate the throne in order to rest on twenty downy mattersses now - NO peas, please!

I bequeath a legion of sincere appreciation to my production team for navigating all the twists and turns of our musical adventure. You each proved to be my "knight in shining armor" or my "lady in waiting" a time or twelve...saving this damsel from much distress!

Cast and crew, we had quite a challenge before us, but we handled it with perseverance and faith in our abilities. "Yesterday I loved you, but today, I love you even more!" Keep shining my stars!

Lords and Ladies of the Audience, please enjoy this whimsical tale of love! I sincerely hope each of you lives your own happily ever after!"


Reegan Skelton*

Ballet Princess/Lady Meredith:
Mia Geistler

Lady Larken:
Maggie Komes*

King Sextimus, the Silent:
Meghan Lehmann*

Princess Winnifred the Woebegone:
Cassie Hager

Lady Merrill:
Bailee O'Toole*

Sarah, a Kitchen Wench:
Lexie Pagel*

Lady Helena:
Allana Eggert

Ballet Prince/Sir Studley:
Grandon Mitchell

Princess #12/Lady Catherine:
Jocelyn Peshia

Queen Aggravain:
Allison Chapman*

Taryn Borcky

Sir Luce:
Phoebe Stoughton

Maybelle/Lady Charlotte:
Morgan Richards

Emily, a Maid:
Nicole Kala*

Lady Beatrice:
Shannon Perry

Ballet Queen/Sir Oliver:
Molly Chapman

Emily Redmond

Princess Dauntless-Guest Actor:
Matthew Weaver

Sir Harry:
Logan Benesh

Lady Rowena:
Danielle Urton

Lady Lucille/Nightingale:
Miranda Brown

Sir William:
Austin Richards*

* denotes senior


Stage Managers:
Ben Horvat* & Austin Richards*

Stage Crew:

Makeup and Art Work:
Regan Tomsa*

T-Shirt/Program Art:
Celeste Acosta*

Luke Eckhardt*

Megan McIntyre & Ben Horvat*

Zachary Peterson


Ms. Chase & Emma Davidson

Megan Christian

Nicole Heap

Production Team

Shelia Thompson

Costumer/Props Mistress:
Dawn Schultz

Musical Director/Orchestra Pit Director:
Christy Hager

Lighting/Sound/Set Building:
Ross & Libby Wheeler

Rehersal & Pit Accompanist:
Nicole Talley