Newark Drama Club Presents Comedy Tonight
Article by Sarah Bogden and Erin Turner
Performance Dates:
Fri., Nov. 1 - 7:00PM
Sat., Nov. 2 - 7:00PM
After the exciting spring production of Seussical and a long summer, the NCHS Drama Club is back in action. For the fall play, we are planning an “Entertainment Night,” full of improv games, singing, zany acts and funny skits. If you attended the “Improv Night” fundraiser last spring, you’re sure to enjoy this year’s fall production! Drama Club is buzzing with excitement and anticipation for the upcoming rehearsals. The fall production’s profits are going towards paying for a fairytale spring musical.

Don’t miss the fall comedy on November 1st and 2nd at 7:00 PM. We hope to see you there for a night of laughter!


Scenes and Songs (Fri. Only):

Mike Schwickerath

Jason Davidson

Taryn Shankle & Kylie Eike

Brennen O'Toole

Kaylyn Shankle & Sarah Bogden

Danny Bullington & Daniel Simmons

Morgan Dillon


Cheyenne Flowers

Sarah Moutray & Mikaila Butuso

Kelsey Brown & Jen Otto

Riley Adkins & Brennen O'Toole

Jordan Sweeney & Savanna Flowers

Lauren & Jessica Hager

Sarah Moutray

Anthony DiClementi & Jessica Hager

Improv (Fri. & Sat.):

Nick Gerken
Tanner Brummel
Jessica Hager
Anthony DiClementi
Connor Rennick
Kelsey Brown
Danny Bullington
Jon Kratzer
Nate Akre
Autumn Bolte
Brennen O'Toole
Kylie Eike
Jason Davidson
Mike Schwickerath


Amanda Peterson, Haylie Toftoy

Erin Turner

Kayla Perry, Emily McCoy,
Justin Walker, Nathaniel Burnett,
Jacob Dellinger, Joshua Burnett

Jacob Pritchard, Walliee Elizalde

Amberly Albrecht, Bailey Fletcher,
Hailey Coultrip, Maya Wright

Production Team

Production Team:
Anna Kowalczyk, Elizabeth Wheeler, Christy Hager, Dawn Schultz

Technical Director:
Ross Wheeler